Damaged car salvage auctions deal with vehicles that have been damaged in traffic accidents, stolen or damaged in some other way. Many vehicles that end up at cars salvage auctions are those that the insurance companies have totaled. The insurance company has paid the insured person the amount for the totaled vehicle and then they sell them to wrecking yards and auctions. These auctions then sell the vehicles to licensed dealers and sometimes to the general public.
Why buy a vehicle from a salvage auction? Obviously, with this kind of auction, you have the potential to get a real bargain by bidding on vehicles at an auction. Some of the vehicles sold at a damaged cars auction will need very little work to make them road ready. Most of the vehicles sold at damaged cars auctions are sold “As Is” and there might not be a warranty that comes with the purchase of the vehicle. Sales are usually final; the auction company doesn’t want to buy the car back from you, if you happen to change your mind.
Because all sales are usually final at damaged car auctions, it is important that you make an informed decision on your purchase before you start bidding for the vehicle. Some vehicles at these auctions are sold as “buy now” for a set price, and others will be sold to the highest bidder during the allotted amount of time given for the bids. It will be your responsibility to check out all the information about specific vehicles before you start bidding on vehicles at a damaged cars auction. Every vehicle sold at auction should have a detailed report accompanying it. The item details should give the make and model and other specifications of the vehicle. There should also be a return policy listed. The return policy usually states that all sales are final and no returns are accepted. Therefore, it is a good idea to know in advance what vehicles to bid on and which ones to avoid at damaged car salvage auction.