Repairable salvage cars can be bought at auto auctions all over the world. Some auctions are only open to registered dealers and some are open to individuals. Many repairable vehicles are bought by wholesale outlets. Buyers who are excluded from the auction companies may be able to purchase vehicles from the wholesale markets. It makes good financial sense, in these days and times, to acquire rebuildable cars from local and online auction companies and from wholesale car outlets. Some dealers and individuals buy wrecked vehicles from auctions that are used by government agencies.
Government auto auctions, in the United States, can be used by the IRS, the FBI and the DEA. You can find many automobiles in good shape that have been confiscated by these government agencies and sold at auction. People who have not paid their taxes in many years might lose all their property, including their vehicles to the IRS. Thus, people who commit crimes while in their autos may also have their vehicles confiscated. These vehicles will be sold at auction; therefore, if you are a car dealer, you can find some sweet deals when purchasing rebuildable automobiles. You can get almost brand new repairable cars at government and private auctions. Many of the such automobiles won’t even need any work done to them to make them roadworthy.
Many of the local and online auctions deal with car dealers who buy and sell repairable salvage cars. Repairable salvage cars sell as well or even faster than the cars sold at retail prices. Many dealers sell repairable salvage cars in high volume, because the profit margin is very high. The object of buying and selling rebuildable autos is to buy at a low price and sell at a higher price that remains under retail price.